Sunday, December 25, 2011


I received this from my sweet hubby as one of my Christmas gifts today.

He's the best!

(Not sure why there is a color change toward the's all the same color. Oh well!)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Celebrating Today

Many people have asked me if I am scared that the birth mom will change her mind when the baby is born.
I would be lying if I said that I am not afraid of that happening.
The truth is that it is a possibility.
It is a risk.

The thing I have to remember is that there is risk in every pregnancy.
There are possibilities that something could happen in any stage of any pregnancy.
Does that keep the expectant mom from planning for a birth?
Of course not!
As far as she knows at that moment, she is having a baby at the appointed time.

That is how I have to look at things.
Today, I will celebrate the awaited arrival of my baby girl.
Today, I will continue to pray for Masie and the birth mom.
Today, I will plan and prepare for her to be in our home.
Today, I will close my eyes and smile at the thought of this precious gift.

I will celebrate today because it is what I have.
Three months ago I couldn't say that.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Details...Just a Few

Thanksgiving was a bit sweeter this year, knowing that in just a few SHORT months our little bundle of joy will be here!
We have a crib and changing table. Well, it's not "here" yet, but we have one! I have picked out material for my sister to make the crib quilt with, and it is going to look so sweet! I have a wall hanging project lined up for the wall above the much to do! But at the same time, I don't want to stress out about decor, you know? I don't want to sweat the small stuff. Our place is small, so there won't be a lot of space for craziness. It will be cute, though, no doubt.

We have settled on a name, I think.
We are 99.9% sure her name is Masie Lauren.
We've liked a lot of names, but we've had this name picked out the longest. Masie is a combination of our maternal grandmothers' names, Maidie and Essie. Dan said to name her Messy, but we settled on Masie instead. ;) Then my dad's first name is Loren, so that's where Lauren came from.

We've had several conversations with the birth parents since the dinner we had with them two weeks ago. There is no question in my mind now that we will be parents of this baby girl.
God is good, and He is working everything together for our good.
He works in the details that I cannot even begin to orchestrate myself.
I truly am so thankful for His, and the ones that are to come.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

And then I saw her face....

Dear Baby Girl,
We got to meet with your biological mom, dad, and grandmother yesterday.
They had just come from the doctor where they found out that you are, indeed, a GIRL! We are absolutely thrilled.
I have been on my new favorite site called Pinterest looking for sweet baby girl things...which means lots of BOWS and HATS!
They also gave us several printed pictures of your sonogram from the doctor's appointment and a dvd of all the pictures and a couple of videos.
I can't stop looking at your sweet face.
You have my heart already.
Your grandmother cried yesterday at the thought of you not being in her life.
You have her heart, too.
I don't know how things are going to play out. I trust that when all is said and done, you will be our sweet baby girl. You'll get to come home with us and complete our family.
Know this, are loved by many.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Headed in a New Direction

If you know us at all, you know about our struggles in becoming a family consisting of more than just Dan and me.
Getting pregnant has been an elusive butterfly we've been chasing for....a long time.

This last week an opportunity to adopt a baby through private adoption was presented to us.
The mom is about four months along. Her due date is March 29th.
I'm not really willing to give many details about the birth parents, out of respect for them.

This blog is simply an account of our journey down this road.

There is risk, yes.

But as a dear friend reminded me yesterday, there is risk in every pregnancy, at every stage. This just happens to be from another vantage point.

Dan and I are super stoked about this!!!!!

We have to find a lawyer and have a home study done. I have no idea where to start with that. We don't really know any lawyers around here or how much it will be.

Will you pray?
1. For the birth parents...that they will be at peace with this decision throughout the process...for health, safety, and protection.
2. For favor to go before us in finding a good lawyer we can afford, a positive home study, and finances.
3. For the hearts of all involved.

Five months until the due date.

Will you walk with us down this road? We will need you should road blocks arise.

Here we go..........