Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Looking Back

This picture that you see here to the right of my blog----------------------------------------> took me by surprise tonight to the point of tears. She is so tiny! She will never be that tiny again, and although I love seeing her grow, thrive, and do new things, it makes me sad. I just want to savor every moment....without holding her back for my own sake. Last night I was in the kitchen making dinner, and Dan was holding her in the living room (which is all open). My heart was so full I thought it was going to burst as I heard him talking to her about what all she could be when she got older. What a blessing from God she is to us. To walk by her crib and see her face light up and arms reach out for me when she sees me brings a smile to my face, no matter what time of night. ;) Don't get me wrong...li'l Miss Thang loves to fake cry when I don't pick her up right away...she frequently wakes up and won't go back to sleep unless I lay her on my chest in bed with us...and the girl can be stubborn. And don't be surprised if she wears pink while rocking a faux hawk. We have to have a little sassy to round out her sweetness. She is a pretty amazing girl. I know we aren't perfect parents, but I don't ever want to disappoint her. Ever.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

5 Months!

She squeals. She coos. She sticks her feet up in the air. She tries to put her feet in her mouth. She puts e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. in her mouth. She sleeps best on Mommy's chest, particularly anywhere from 4-6 in the morning until it's time to get up. She loves to wake up her daddy by patting his arm and cooing at him....or by grabbing his chest hair....whatever works. ;) She is not a fan of rice cereal but will eat oatmeal. She gets a c.r.a.z.y. burst of energy right before she goes to sleep. She makes all right with the world when I walk by her crib and her face lights up with her sweet smile. She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She has my heart.