Thursday, January 31, 2013

10 Months!

Ten months ago today at this time, Daddy and I were hanging out in the hospital room with your birth parents. The doctor had just come in and told us not to get too excited because it was going to be a long night of labor, and you wouldn't be coming anytime soon. He didn't know you, did he? To be fair, we didn't know you either, but we do know now that you are overall a pretty relaxed little girl....but when you make your mind up on something, it is Katie bar the door! And so it was the day you were born. You came into the world at 9:50 pm. Now, you are on the verge of walking! You are almost there, although I'm not quite sure how I feel about this! LOL You are jibber-jabbering like crazy and mimicking sounds that you hear. You like to say the word "bow" and sound so stinking cute saying it! You are definitely a Texan. You have three teeth, two on bottom and one on top. Moon Pops from Kroger are your favorite snack. You like Cheerios, too, but you tend to stockpile them in your mouth, then get choked, so we limit your Cheerio intake. ;) You pucker your lips and make a kissing sound, you love to give Mommy kisses, and you click your tongue off the roof of your mouth. You recognize Mickey Mouse and LOVE the Hot Dog Song, although you love all kinds of music. Other children, whether in real life or on television, fascinate you, and you love to play with Mac (the dog) at cousin Shelia's house. Daddy and I love you so much. We recognize how blessed we are to have you in our lives. One look at your sweet face can turn around a not-so-fabulous day...because you are the sunshine of our lives. Love you, sweet girl!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Nine Months...!!!

Look out, world! This girl is on the move! She has the crawling thing down like a pro, and any day now, she is going to take off walking. She already walks hanging onto whatever it is she pulls up on, like the ottoman or couch, but she is getting better at balancing, so I know it won't be long! At her nine month appointment, she weighed 19 pounds (50th percentile), has grown three inches which put her in 43rd percentile, and her head had grown a little over 3/4 of an inch, which put her in the 47th percentile. She has been saying "da-da" for a few months, but now she correlates the person with the name. I have a digital frame on the stand on my side of the bed, and last night she was watching the pictures change. When one of her and Dan came up, she smiled really big and squealed with her sweet high pitched voice, "Da-Dee!" Yes, I can appreciate the sweetness of the moment, even if it was at 2:30 this morning. ;) She loves our phones and the remote. She wants them all the time and will search them out. She has started to develop a little attitude and has had to be on the receiving end of some small disciplinary action. This age has been a little more challenging, with her discovering her new state of mobility. Scares me to death! But I know she has to learn. Love this girl so much!