Saturday, January 28, 2012

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

The same day we put together the baby furniture, we learned of a devastating loss that some friends had just experienced. The reality of the fact that anything can happen at anytime throughout this process was a slap in the face. We are smiling in the pictures below for the ceremonial taking of the picture of us putting together the baby furniture. But I carry in my heart the feeling of indescribable sorrow for this couple...remember the prayers being prayed for them with every screw being turned and turned and turned...the incredible need to see that baby bump and feel it underneath my hand...the scrutiny of every little detail that isn't turning out "just perfect" as we worked because if we try hard enough and get it right, everything will turn out okay....

Right, God?....

How does one go about being excited about what they are doing and sad at the same time? I'll be honest...there were many tears shed from us both...for so many different reasons. We finally finished our work and decided to go see our girl. We chit chatted with the birth mom, and when the timing was right, I asked (as I always do) if I could touch her belly. She said yes, and I just started talking to her belly like people do...I don't even remember what I said...but T said, "Did you feel that?...right there?" I DID! Not just once, but multiple times! That's the first time I've felt her move. T said it was odd because she's always calm at that time, she usually didn't start moving until such-and-such time...."But she knows her Mommy's talking to her...!"

And there it was.
It was what I needed to hear at just the right moment.

I can't predict the future. I am not in control of anything at all, but I know Who is. No matter what happens He will be my provision and grace and strength and rest.

There's a place the lost surrender and the weary will retreat
Full of grace and mercy tender in times of unbelief
For the wounded there is healing, strength is given to the weak
Broken hearts find love redeeming where joy and sorrow meet

There is a place where hope remains
In crowns of thorns and crimson stains
And tears that fall on Jesus' feet
Where joy and sorrow meet

~Exerpt from "Where Joy and Sorrow Meet", Avalon


This week Dan and I deemed Tuesday to be the day we put together the baby furniture and rearranged our room, as we were both off work and I didn't have school.

Since we have a one bedroom apartment and are in the middle of our lease, it is going to be rather cramped, so making the most out of our space is a necessity. We had already gone through all of our boxes, bedroom, closet, and storage closet outside and weeded out what we needed and what could be donated. The only thing left to do is re-launder my original plus size clothing and take it to Goodwill....cuz I don't EVER want to see it again! :)

So I got up Tuesday morning and made a great breakfast (using this great recipe!), excited to get started on our day. Once that was finished, we tackled the bedroom. It took a little while to work with different layouts we had thought about. The consistent problem we had was the bedroom door hitting the footboard of our bed. We considered taking the footboard off and storing it under the bed, but I think we finally came up with something that would work. Since we had stuff piled on the bed while we moved things around, I didn't take pictures of the whole room, but here is a photo collage of putting the baby bed together. Once we get the armoire put together and the wall hangings done, I'll post pictures of the final product.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speaking of Crafts...

There are two sites that I've pinned on Pinterest that I've really wanted to try crafts from.
This one has really cute headbands, and this one cute-i-fies (not a word...I know...) the plain ol' onesie.
I decided to combine the two! (FYI...I just cut circles instead of flower shapes called for in the headband tutorial.)
Here is part of the process...

This is the front with the headband...

And this is the back...

I can't wait to see this on my Li'l Masie! :)

One of the BEST Road Trips EVER!

Not long ago, some friends of ours asked if we had baby furniture yet.
We didn't, and they offered to give us their crib and changing table, since their youngest had outgrown them.
The only obstacle was that they live in Wichita Falls, and our vehicle isn't big enough to accommodate getting them from point A to point B.
We were finally able to temporarily obtain a large enough vehicle and coordinate our schedules to pick it up this last weekend!
We decided to meet halfway, in Decatur, for the transfer.
Dan and I got there a little bit early and decided to drive around a little bit and look for some antique shops. They had several downtown. Unfortunately, we got there late afternoon, so everything was about to close by the time we found them.
In the shop we did find, however, I found some good bargains! Mostly things to make crafts with, which will (hopefully) come in a later post!
We met our friends for the transfer, and while the men unloaded and loaded the furniture, the ladies had a nice little chat in the parking lot, despite the chilly wind! It was good to see them and connect face to face...not just on Facebook. LOL
They really blessed us with this furniture. It means so much more to us than words can say. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating...we recognize that anything could change at anytime in this process, but when our friends stand with us in agreement, through words as well as deeds, that this thing is going to happen, it stirs my heart in such a way that I can't explain. It speaks LIFE and HOPE and fulfillment of PROMISE.
THANK YOU seems inadequate for how I feel.
Pics to come later for complete set up. For now, this is the furniture freshly unloaded in our home! YAY!!!! :)