Thursday, November 17, 2011

And then I saw her face....

Dear Baby Girl,
We got to meet with your biological mom, dad, and grandmother yesterday.
They had just come from the doctor where they found out that you are, indeed, a GIRL! We are absolutely thrilled.
I have been on my new favorite site called Pinterest looking for sweet baby girl things...which means lots of BOWS and HATS!
They also gave us several printed pictures of your sonogram from the doctor's appointment and a dvd of all the pictures and a couple of videos.
I can't stop looking at your sweet face.
You have my heart already.
Your grandmother cried yesterday at the thought of you not being in her life.
You have her heart, too.
I don't know how things are going to play out. I trust that when all is said and done, you will be our sweet baby girl. You'll get to come home with us and complete our family.
Know this, are loved by many.

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