Thursday, April 26, 2012

...And now it's LEGAL!

Around 10 pm Tuesday, April 17, we were having coffee with some friends who were meeting Masie for the first time when Dan got a text from our lawyer that said that all the remaining paperwork was in and final motions were filed. Did we want the final adoption hearing to be Thursday or Friday? Thursday, please! So, 8:00 Thursday morning we were stuck in traffic to Fort Worth because an 18 wheeler had overturned. Traffic was terribly backed up. We were late...along with everyone else, so we had to wait for an opening in another courtroom. We didn't care how long we had to wait. When we went before the judge, our lawyer asked me some questions, then asked Dan the same questions. He turned it over to the judge, who said, "Up until now you have had the moral responsibility for caring for this child. After today, not only will you have the moral responsibility for this child, but the legal responsibility as well. Do you accept this responsibility?" "YES!" "Then this adoption is granted....Do you have a camera?" "YES!" "Then come on up!" One of the best days of my life. She is forever and ever ours. Thank you, Lord!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Official Post

Masie Lauren Elliott was born March 31, 2012, at 9:50 PM.
She weighed in at 6 pounds 14.5 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long.
She is absolutely beautiful and has forever changed our lives.
Here are a few pictures...

Our last picture of just the two of us

She's here!

"Are you ready to meet your daughter?"

First family photo

Proud Daddy