Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Six Months...AKA 1/2 a YEAR!!!!

Say it isn't so!!!! HALF of a YEAR!!!! Oh.My.Goodness! I can't think about it. I literally think she gets bigger She went to her six month doctor appointment last week, and she has definitely grown! She now weighs over 16 pounds and is 25 inches long. We had already begun cereal, bananas, and some veggies, but the doctor said to continue adding more to her routine so that eventually, before her next appointment, she is eating more than she is drinking from a bottle. She is sitting up well on her own, rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy. She says da-da-da-da, which just makes Dan's day, as you can imagine! She likes to click her tongue and smack her lips, and she loves to babble, which is the sweetest sound in the world! Sometimes when she is soothing herself she will sing in the cutest little whispery voice. Still, I find myself just staring at her. Masie Lauren, you have me mesmerized...