Friday, March 30, 2012


Well, the due date has come and gone...and we are still waiting!
We went to the doctor yesterday, and he scheduled her to be induced Wednesday. She was only dilated to a 1 1/2, but he could not believe how low the head was! He said he couldn't believe she was actually walking because the head was so low.
Poor T....she is so ready!
Pray this little girl comes before Wednesday! :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

And so....we wait.....

It's almost time!!!
It can't come fast enough, though!
We went to the doctor this last Thursday, and T was at a 1 and 80% effaced. Doctor said the head was really low, though, so it literally could be anytime! If she hasn't gone into labor by her next appointment on Thursday (the actual due date), he will schedule her to be induced.
We are trying our best to be patient, but.....
We'd all be happy if she came TODAY! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Little....a BIG.....Motivation

Today was my only day of spring break that I had to myself. Every other day had already been spoken for, so I knew that I was going to be working on baby stuff!

The days are coming closer and closer to the due date...14 days, 9 hours, 51 minutes, and 2 seconds to be exact, if she's born at 8:00 in the morning on the 29th.

But who's counting?!

I have two other friends that are due on the same day. This morning I got a text saying that one of these friends went into labor!


That was a big motivator to get some stuff done!

So...I got the travel system out of the box and put together...

I got out the diaper bag and began filling it with the many suggested items from experienced moms...

And I finally finished the wall art project! Well, sort of. I still have to paint the letters, but that won't take long. The big thing was getting it all laid out right and hung...

This project was stretching me a little. I'm a symmetric design type person, so putting the hoops on the wall in "random bubble" type fashion was stressing me out a little. LOL I couldn't get the "L" to hang straight, and I still think I need another circle on the bottom right, but other than that, I'm pretty happy with it! Because of the lighting, the picture turned out darker than what it actually is. The materials are different shades of pink, green, and white patterns. Right now the letters are in unfinished wood, but they will be painted pink, probably...I can't make up my mind.

I better make it up pretty quick! Time is a-tickin'!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


"Thank you" doesn't seem to be enough to express how thankful Dan and I are to all of you who have contributed to the adoption fund and prayed for us! Because of your generosity, we were able to send a $1400 payment to the lawyer yesterday!


I have updated the thermometer to show what is left of the lawyer fees and the cost of the home study ($500, which was not included in the previous amount).

We are getting there!!! Still have a bit to go...but we are getting there! :)

We went with the birth mom to her doctor's appointment yesterday, which also included a sonogram. They confirmed that she is, indeed, a girl, and we heard her precious heartbeat. When they put it in 3D mode, we could see her moving her mouth. She looked like the baby sucking on the pacifier from The Simpsons...hilarious! So far, she is 5 pounds, 4 ounces, and 18 3/4 inches long. If she goes to her due date, they estimate she'll weigh about 7 pounds.

Birth mom is doing pretty well...she is as ready for Masie to be here as we are! For different reasons, of course. She is tired and ready for her life to get back to normal. Please keep her in your prayers during these next few weeks of major transition.

Thank you all so much for your love, prayers, and support. We love you all!!!